Fitness Coach | Spiritual Coach | Women's Life Coach

Unlocking freedom in body, spirit & heart

Experience thriving while living a healthy, connected life

I belive your “impossible” is Possible, do you ?

Coaching Services


  • Connetion Code Coaching

    You are meant to live connected, safely and free. In life coaching you will be empowered to walk towards your dreams with practical tools as well as understand how to overcome the blocks of the past to become free in your identity.

    Book a free 30-minute discovery session to find out what may be happening for you.

  • Spiritual Coach

    With my backround studies in theology and experience in pastoring, spiritual coaching is a coaching that use spiritual tools ( not soly) , leading a client to also connect with their spirit and God. Adjusting to client’s beliefs, comfortability and goals the spiritual coaching helps clients on a spiritual and emotional stand point, leading clients to be FULLY connected.

    It can be done through Zoom if we are from different locations.

  • Speaking engagement

    Conferenres in schools, buisness or learderhip team. Preaching in churches, youth group, ministry school and pastoral team. Led by professional training, theology studies and communication expertise, Eli’s speaking engagements are designed to foster safety and inspire people to do more than they thought possible.

Fitness Coaching

If you need help, motivation, guidance and strategic trainings, I help you move towards your goals. With a simple, personalise and gentle approach I use science based knowledge to help you find motivation and guidance through out your trainings.

Training Plan

If you would like practical tools, plans, help and guidance in moving towards your goals, objectifs and to become healthy in greater ways, THIS service is for you. I am passionate about people becoming healthy and achieving their goals.

Coaching can be done through Zoom or online if we are from different locations.

Ski and endurance coaching

Are you passionate about endurance sports and want to improve your cardio and preparation? I provide training plan and coaching to help you better prepare for an event or simply enjoy it’s practice. Also expert in XC ski I provide all level classes on ski’s, roller ski’s and ski striding.

The Connection Codes philosophy

01. You are coded for connection

Learn about the brain science behind relationnal intimacy- the blueprint of how hummans connect.

02. Your brain fires emotion automatically

Discover how to harness the power of your emotions to become the best version of yourself.

03. You can take action to create intimacy

We equip you with the language and tools to create safety in your interactions and facilitate connection today.